"Toward a Reparative Pedagogy: Art as Trigger, Art as Repair," Art Journal Open (April 2022): https://artjournal.collegeart.org/?p=16702
“Doom Donkey: Mick Barr's Drone of Information and The Rainbow Supremacy,” Black Metal Rainbows: Queer Metal Anthology. eds. Daniel Lukes and Stanimir Panayotov) (forthcoming PM Press, 2021).
"Living Labor: Between Marxism and Performance Studies,” Special Issue: Living Labor Guest edited by Aliza Shvarts and Joshua Lubin-Levy. Women and Performance, a journal of feminist theory, (February 2017). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. [Living Labor.pdf]
“Nonconsensual Collaborations: Notes on a Shared Condition,” Special Issue: A Gun for Every Girl, Guest edited by Trista Mallory, Jen Kennedy, and Angelique Szymanek The Journal of Feminist Scholarship. (Spring 2017). University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/jfs/vol12/iss12/5/
[Nonconsensual Collaborations.pdf]
“Troubled Air: SunnO)))’s Metal Maieutic”. Special Issue: The Haptic, Guest edited by Rizvana Bradley. Women & Performance, a journal of feminist theory. Vol. 24, No. 2-3 (2014): 203-219. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. [Troubled Air.pdf]
“How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Rape Kit”. Extensions: The Online Journal of Embodiment and Technology. Special Issue: “Anxieties of Overexposure: Enlargements, Contagions, and the Dark”. Issue 6 (October 2011). Republished in Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader. Ed. Patrick Keilty and Rebecca Dean (Sacramento: Litwin Press, 2013). [How I learned.pdf]
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters (selected)
Catalogue Essays (selected)
Selected Talks and Lectures (selected)
"Notes in the Margins: Why I don’t talk about the body" with Gordon Hall, B. Ingrid Olson, Jadine Collingwood, and Mariana Fernandez, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago: https://visit.mcachicago.org/events/talk-why-i-dont-talk-about-the-body/
“SAIC Low-Residency MFA at 10 Years: Gregg Bordowitz and Aliza Shvarts in Conversation,” School of the Art Institute of Chicago: https://www.saic.edu/events/saic-low-residency-mfa-10-years-gregg-bordowitz-and-aliza-shvarts-conversation
"Love and Rage: A Roundtable on bell hooks," Lyle Ashton Harris, Dawn Chan, Ricky Ruihong Li, Parissah Lin, Darla Migan, Emmanuel Olunkwa, and Aliza Shvarts, November Magazine, No: 30: https://www.novembermag.com/content/bell-hooks-roundtable
Hotline: Aliza Shvarts in Conversation with Sara Reisman. Performance-in-Place Series. The 8th Floor/Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation. NYC (2020). https://www.the8thfloor.org/past-events-01/2020/5/14/performance-in-place-hotline-by-aliza-shvarts
Reinvention and Contention: An Incomplete History of the Whitney Biennial, 1932-Present. The Whitney Museum of American Art. NYC (2019). https://whitney.org/events/learning-series-lecture-biennial-2019 and [audio]
Utopian Aesthetics from Andy Warhol to Laura Owens [Critical Utopianism from Yoko One to Jimmie Durham]. The Whitney Museum of American Art. NYC (2017-2018). https://whitney.org/Events/CriticalUtopianism or https://whitney.org/Events/LearningSeriesUtopianAesthetics and [audio]
The Practical Past: Intergenerational Feminisms (roundtable with Mary Kelly, Renee Green, Emily Apter, and Trista Mallory). Mitchell-Innes & Nash. NYC (2017). http://www.miandn.com/news/feminism-s-practical-past
This Space: Art and Nationhood [PARTICIPATION/OCCUPATION/BELONGING]. The Whitney Museum of American Art. NYC (2017). https://whitney.org/Events/ThisSpaceArtAndNationhood or https://whitney.org/Events/ParticipationOccupationBelonging and [audio]
Other Writing (selected)
"A practice centered on repair can pull in both directions," Field Notes on Repair: 3, Places (November 2024): https://placesjournal.org/article/field-notes-on-repair-3/
“Here’s How We Can Support Artists Navigating the Culture Wars Today,” Artnet (2023). https://news.artnet.com/opinion/aliza-shvarts-op-ed-culture-wars-art-2260415
"Abortions Will Not Let Your Forget," November Magazine, No. 32: https://www.novembermag.com/content/abortions-will-not-let-you-forget
"Viva Ruiz with Aliza Shvarts: Freedom, Abortion, and Art," The Brooklyn Rail, May 2022: https://brooklynrail.org/2022/05/criticspage/Viva-Ruiz-with-Aliza-Shvarts
"Love and Rage: A Roundtable on bell hooks," Lyle Ashton Harris, Dawn Chan, Ricky Ruihong Li, Parissah Lin, Darla Migan, Emmanuel Olunkwa, and Aliza Shvarts, November Magazine, No: 30: https://www.novembermag.com/content/bell-hooks-roundtable
“How does it feel to be a fiction?” Critical writing in conjunction with Public Opinion Laboratory/Andrew Lampert: Faked/Out, (New York: Recess, 2017).
“KANNON/CANON” (liner notes for studio album). Kannon. SunnO))) (Southern Lord: November 2016). [KANNON_CANON.pdf]
“Black Wedding,” The Brooklyn Rail, Special Issue: Polyphony (Brooklyn, February 2015). http://www.brooklynrail.org/2015/02/criticspage/black-wedding
“Fatherfucker” SALT: Contemporary Art and Feminism Magazine, Issue 7: Heterophobia (London: Montez Press, 2015). http://otdac.org/static/salt/issue7.html
“The Con”. TDR/The Drama Review. Summer 2014, Vol. 28, No. 2 (T222): 2-3. Cambridge: MIT University Press. [The Con.pdf]
“On Intimacies and Writing Histories of Performance: An Interview with Amelia Jones”, Oratures Vol 1 (2013), Performance Studies NYU. http://performance.tisch.nyu.edu/object/OratureVolI.html. [On Intimacy.pdf]
“Figuration and Failure, Performance and Pedagogy: Reflections Three Years Later”. Women & Performance, a journal of feminist theory. Vol. 21, No. 1 (2011): 161-168. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Excerpted in Practice (Whitechapel Documents in Contemporary Art), ed. Marcus Boon and Gabriel Levine (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018) [Figuration and Failure.pdf]
“Shvarts Explains [...]”. The Yale Daily News, April 18 2008. https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2008/04/18/shvarts-explains-her-repeated-self-induced-miscarriages/ [Yale Daily News.pdf]
Various Entries, MoMA Highlights: 375 Works from the Museum of Modern Art (New York: Museum of Modern Art, Revised 3rd Edition, 2019).
“Lady Lumps,” The Rational Dress Society: Cultural Uniform (New York: Art in General, 2018).
“Glynn Nash,” Alternate Routes: Queer Artist Fellowship (New York: The Leslie-Lohmann Museum of Art, 2018).
“Alienation, too, has its uses” (co-written with Begum Yasar), Adrian Piper (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2017). [Alienation.pdf]
“Atomic Time: On Karin Schneider’s Black Paintings,” Situational Diagram, Ed. Karin Schneider and Begum Yasar (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016). [Atomic Time.pdf]
“On Sabotage,” Bodies Burning at the Edges (with Kiki Smith, Jacolby Satterwhite, Robert Montgomery, and Thomas Beale. Curated by Sarah Victoria Bothwell Fels and Jonah King). Leroy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University. New York, NY (October 2015). [On Sabotage.pdf]